Reparations Quilt Project
The TRINITY Reparations Quilt Project is a national, multicultural initiative which seeks to amplify the narratives of those impacted by American chattel slavery and its aftereffects in an effort to galvanize government officials and community leaders around the efforts to provide reparations to descendants of enslaved African-Americans. This endeavor is being led by TRINITY in partnership with other similar mission-driven organizations and institutions who seek to help balance the economic and social inequity caused by the Atlantic Slave Trade.
TRINITY collective members and partners will lead the creative direction of a national quilt in collaboration with other makers throughout the United States. African-American descendants and allies will be able to submit a quilt patch while a team of artists will thread the blocks together to make one unified, ongoing piece. We will be campaigning to have the unified quilt lay in a space accessible to the public in our nation’s capital.
If you are interested in a submitting piece or becoming one of our partners, please fill out the form found on this page and someone from our collective will contact you.